

MAUNA Entrepreneurs Support SPC (MES)

Is a business Incubator and Accelerator Center that accelerates the fruitful development of your startup and other young companies by providing you with an array of targeted resources and services.

The main goal of MAUNA Entrepreneurs Support is to become an active participant in the development of the greatest minds, stimulate, encourage and support all entrepreneurship activities within the Bahraini economy to increase their growth potential, resulting in a self-sustaining viable company.

In line with the Economic Vision 2030 for Bahrain, our company has developed a knowledge and technology-based Incubation Center which would contribute to the sustainable economic growth and the creation of new career opportunities for Bahraini nationals and expats in Bahrain. In this way nationals and expats can achieve their personal and professional goals and present their creativity and innovativeness that could help improve the ecosystem in Bahrain.

MES answers a real demand in creating a network of innovation stakeholders, providing them with a common and intuitive contact point. To achieve this, these main objectives have been stated:

Establishing a strategically aligned community of interest focused on the accelerated commercialization of Eco- and social innovation.

Providing a uniquely integrated service across the innovation chain from identification and enhancement of viable proposals (via the development of investor-ready proposals). Furthermore, through facilitating successful deals between investors and innovators.  

Establishing a sustainable network of selected professionals with a defined interest in Eco or social innovation that will continue after startup and result in a step-change in the evolution of the Middle eastern market.